Age Majourity in Pakistan

Age of Majority in Pakistan


Age of majority in Pakistan is eighteen years. Some people ask what does age of majority means for all those people let us guide you age of majority meaning in Pakistan is when you are not considered to be a minor. A minor is a person who is considered to be a person who has not attained the full capacity of mind to understand things. A minor has given many privileges in the law for his being a minor for example a civil case cannot be against a minor. At the same time the law has also debarred a minor on performing certain duties for example he cannot enter into a contract. For all this stuff the law in Pakistan has set a legal age of majority. The age of majority in Islam is different than age of majority in Pakistan. For court marriage in Pakistan you need to be of the legal age of majority.


To easily know what does age of majority means can be explained that when a minor has developed a proper sense of understanding things it can be said that he had come to an age of majority in Pakistan. The development of sense of understanding can be different in different children so it cannot be certainly said that when a child has developed a sense of understanding. Therefore different countries have set a different age for the minors where they are considered to be a person of legal age of majority. The age of majority meaning in Pakistan is simply said to be when a minor has turned to be of eighteen years. For marriage and divorce in Pakistan you need to be of the age of majority.


Age of majority meaning in Pakistan as per the law books is when a minor had attained the age of eighteen years. This is the reason the voting age in Pakistan is kept as eighteen years. When a minor has turned to eighteen he can also enter into a civil contract with someone. He can sue or to be sued. Eighteen years means that a child has come to a legal age of majority in Pakistan. For divorce or khula in Pakistan you don’t have to wait for the age of majority in Pakistan.


Age of majority in Islam is not the same as legal age of majority in Pakistan. In Islam when a child has attained the age of puberty it is said that he is a major now. Islam has kept this age of puberty for do some important decisions. For example in Islam when a person has attained the age of puberty he can do nikah in Pakistan or in any part of the world. What does age of majority means in Islam is different that the age of majority in Pakistan.


The legal age of majority in Pakistan is what is set by the law makers. The law makers of our country think that on attaining the age of eighteen years the minor turns into the major. There is no thin line which a minor when crosses becomes a major. The person learns all his life and develops the sense of thinking all his life but the critics says that you cannot wait all the life of a person to do certain acts. Therefore you will have to set a certain age of majority for all. This is why our country has set a legal age of majority in Pakistan like other countries. For khula or divorce certificate in Pakistan you don’t have to be of the age of majority in Pakistan.


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