Child Abuse in Pakistan


Child abuse in Pakistan means that when a child is treated in such a way that he should not be treated is called child abuse. Child abuse in Pakistan does not only mean sexual abuse. A child can be a victim of abuse if he is not treated as a child. If a child is bullied or tortured it is said to be the victim of child abuse. There are multiple types of child abuse in Pakistan. The causes of child abuse in Pakistan are many. The effects of child abuse in Pakistan are very severe therefore it is dealt with iron hands in Pakistan. The police, courts, and NGOs are working a lot to minimize the issues of child abuse in Pakistan. The government, media, and some NGOs are working a lot to create child abuse awareness in Pakistan. The government has also made a child abuse law in Pakistan which provides severe punishments to the culprits. Anyone having legal child custody in Pakistan can file a case on behalf of a minor.


There are many types of child abuse in Pakistan some of them are as below.

  • Sexual abuse: When a child is subject to sexual abuse it is called child abuse in Pakistan. A child is a minor below the age of 18 years and is supposed to not have his own will.
  • Child bullying: When a child is deliberately subjected to physical or oral discomfort it is called bullying. Bullying is also a kind of child abuse in Pakistan.
  • Child marriage: Child marriage is also a kind of child abuse in Pakistan. A minor female below the age of 16 and a minor male below the age of 18 are restricted from having a marriage. Child marriage is also a kind of child abuse in Pakistan. The complainant may use the nikahnama registration in Pakistan as proof of child abuse.
  • Domestic violence: If a child is subjected to domestic violence if he or she is hired as a domestic worker is said to be subject to child abuse.
  • Child abandonment: Child abandonment by the parents is also a kind of child abuse.
  • Child exploitation: Child exploitation such as putting a child in child labor is also called child abuse.
  • Drugs trafficking: Putting a child into drug addiction or drug trafficking is also a kind of child abuse.
  • Physical torture: Physical torture of a child is also called child abuse in Pakistan.


There are many reasons why a child is subjected to child abuse. Some of the reasons are as below.

  • Family stress: A culprit may commit child abuse due to his family stress.
  • Financial issue: A culprit may cause child abuse due to his financial issues.
  • Mental condition: A culprit may commit child abuse due to his mental condition.
  • Abusive history: A person with a history of child abuse is more likely to commit it again.
  • Social isolation: If a person is living in social isolation may do child abuse.
  • Cultural issue: If a person is living in such a society that the society does not condemn child abuse then more people in this society may do child abuse.
  • Lack of education: A person with less education may do more child abuse as compared to an educated one.

Our law firm deals with cases of child abuse or child maintenance in Pakistan. Feel free to contact us if you are facing any of these issues.

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